17 May 2009

hehe =)


never been this happy before. damn

its cloud nine ! its colorful ! it feels fast ! its heart warming ! its all over my mind ! its like being rammed over by a truck and still alive ! its like winning over a wrestling match ! its like kena stun dalam dota ! its like kena tampar tiada rasa ! its like kena swing baseball bat tapi tidak sakit ! its like makan sushi non stop ! its like kena buang dalam recycling machine !

01 May 2009

11am - 4pm

today i went shopping with ser jill casandra and jo =) shop for "coloured skinnies", white baby tee and vess/ves/vass. shits i dont know how to spell but obviously "vase" is out of the league. then we went to *thinking~* oh yeah ! nike grace one. . . then we saw a lot of shoes then (ok too much "then") we came across with this one shoe - colourful then we want to buy it but unfortunately not cukup budget haha =p gonna buy it soon, ser too =) so we're gonna have matching shoes. cool wat ~

location : FOS fitting room

from the left : ser, me then cassandra

ps : cabage in the middle

location : lift

jo, ser, casandra, me, jill

after finish (well not exactly finish for me cause i didnt bought the freakin shoe) shopping.

30 April 2009

wopsie ~~ =p

how long has it been since i last updated my blog?
(swt punya bonus ada ada kena tulis the date) haha so its like almost a month since then ~

hm well i been through ups and downs lately. mostly ups cause ~ well no further explaination (i forgot ok but i am purrrrdayyyy sure mostly were ups haha).

last sat was MBR thing in school, somehow im very proud to be part of the tin collecting for MBR cause in the end our class collected the most aluminium tins among all classes and most of all I WAS IN THE PAPER for god sake. haha ok i know macam sakai but pls understand since its my first time to actually see my face printed in the paper. well not only me alone to have my face in the paper actually but lots of other students and teachers ok ~

so thats as far as i can remember ~~

moving on to. . . .um our practise :) everyday i have practise after class. dance practise to be precise. for teacher's day ~~ tlu tlu tlu ~~ *suddenly my brain not functioning* -.- i sleep first, im probably tired. toodles ~

03 April 2009

what i came up with within an hour for public speaking

Good afternoon to the judges, fellow competitors and fellow friends. I will be talking about the Greenhouse Effects. Today, we are facing an obvious problem due to climate change which caused by the greenhouse effects.

What do we know about greenhouse effects?
How far do we know about the earth?
How serious are the problems we are facing now?

As we know, our earth is surrounded by windows. We call this windows, atmosphere. We need the atmosphere, without it, the earth would be as cold and lifeless as the moon. The problem is that our atmosphere is changing. Why? It is because some of our favorite activities creates gases that pollute the atmosphere. As the gases build up, the atmosphere keeps in too much heat.

What are greenhouse gases?
Greenhouse gases includes CO2, methane gas, nitrogen oxides, chloroflourocarbon, as well as water vapour. The CO2 - every humans and animals produce CO2 everytime we exhale, but there is nothing we can do about it. The main source of CO2 is the burning of fossil fuels; coals, oils, gasoline and wood. Nitrogen oxides - given off by vehicles as we drive and coals from the burning power station as they generate electricity. Methane gas - produced by rotting plants and by households garbage as the deteriorates in landfills. Humans and animals also gives out methane gas. Methane gas are emitted from human when we pass gas. Animals, cows for example gives out methane gas when it burps.

As we all know, in every negative situation has its negative side effects. We've been creating these gases for a long time. But now we are producing too much of it and they are making the globe hotter by the day. What will happen if average temperature on earth increases just by few degrees?
- Ice berg of North and South Pole would melt which would cause the sea level to rise. If these happens, people living near the ocean could be flooded. Some places would be too hot to live in. Besides that, crops would no longer crops. As things got even warmer, living creatures would die and become extinct. Pests such as rats and mosquitoes would multiply in warmer climate.

Earth's Natural Remedies:
Generally, we know that gases soaked up naturally. Sea water absorbs CO2 and so do the tiny organism in the sea called plankton. But because plankton absorbs more CO2 in colder water as the greehouse effect warms up the ocean, plankton would absorbs less CO2. Besides that, plants - especially trees also absorbs CO2. Due to deforestation and rainforest burning, there are fewer trees to absorb the greenhouse gases. What's worse, rainforest burning produce even more CO2. In fact, it is one of the greatest contribution to the greenhouse effects.

However, the natural remedies itself is not enough. So, what can we do?
First of all we can cut down the usage of energy. Turning on the lights, opening the refrigerator, turning on the heat and taking a ride in the car are examples of activites that requires the usage of energy such as electricity, gasoline, and natural gas. The power station that generates the electricity and the automobile engines that burns gasoline all creates enormouse amount of CO2.

Last but not least, GO GREEN.

Thank you.

my speech =) as far as i could remember. what i've writen on the paper is slightly different from what i have delivered.

01 April 2009

april fool

i feel so silly today. not just the same ol' silly willy kinda silly but beyond silly.

Anyway~ during english period, before recess! ok moving on. so miss jane said something about the principal wanted to change our class teacher, where she said it is already confirmed. for a moment we've (the whole class) forgotten that today's april fools day. obviously we were shocked like "teacher! whyyy?!!!" and "what?! no way!!!" or "doiiii teacher!! i dont like oh like this!!" then someone snapped into omg-today's-april-fool-day and said something like "dei teacher lying this kan?" hahaha then miss jane smiled. cant believe we didnt saw that one coming ~ lols

ok then after recess during additional science period. arthur @ carwash (hahaha) was told to switch place with mark. funny~ arthur fell asleep everytime mr richard enters the class to teach. the out of nowhere, mr richard came up with a conclusion which i think it's very very very inappropriate for a teacher to came up with although funny and the conclusion was - arthur the gungguk boy. hahaha ass tee you pee ai dee.

31 March 2009

damn it

my socks was forfeited for the fucking second time. geez~
teacher said my socks weren't plain enough. my socks has the word PDI on it and lining behind it. i think teacher hates me for somewhat reason. i dont give a damn, senior what~ which means less than a year in high school. as year passed by ~~ the rules becoming strict-er and strict-er (strict-er, is that even a word?) i was the only one who gets her socks forfeited, fuck. so i just go with the flow, took my socks off and put on another one (which was mark's socks) haha. so i hand in my socks which obviously changed the teacher's facial expression; digusted. which i can totally tolerate with.

then another teacher came up to me:
teacher : sampai bila kamu mau buat mcm ni? saya tau la kau tu mampu beli stoking mahal mahal tapi peraturan tu mesti kena ikut.
me : zz mcm mana juga kalo kena ambil stoking saya
teacher : alasan saja kamu. sengaja kan minta perhatian?
me : (dlm hati: kima nya cikgu)
teacher : nah tu rantai lagi, buka itu
me : (what the fuck?) huh? saya ingat boleh guna? salib ba.
teacher : ya sama juga tu pendant. rantai kamu apa? white gold kan?
me : mungkin. mana saya tau. zzzzzzzz *marah sudah ni*
teacher : buka tu! nanti kamu mengadu lagi sama cikgu kalau rantai kamu hilang.
me : (puk~ i have only made a complain once! for god sake ONCE! but that was back in 2007, my money was stolen for the 3rd time. 3 kali dulu baru buat aduan. then why the hell would i want to make "aduan" if just in case my necklace was stolen or whatever happen to it. my hp was stolen in 2007 TIME PMR LAGI TU and i didnt made any complaints.) tp cikgu, salib ba zz
teacher : buka skarang juga !
me : *took off the necklace then hold it tightly in my fist, took my books then went up the stairs. i threw my necklace in the rubbish bin*

i was furious, shaking with anger. i swear i could feel my temperature was rising. shits i almost flipped.
for the whole day, i was angry. Jo said "cross" pendant can use in school as well as white gold chain. as long as the pendant is not in any other shape except cross. then why now? i mean that freakin necklace has been around my neck for, um 5 years maybe. Now! Today! This fucking Morning! i was told to take off the necklace. sial.

i know i know too much foul words. haha

sera tag =)

First Tag Directions : Once you've been tagged, you have to write a post with sixteen random things, habits or goals about you. At the end, choose five people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them. Don't forget to leave a comment (''You're tagged!'') and to read your blog, you can't tag the person who tagged you. Since you can't tag me, let me know when you've posted your blog, so I can see your weirdness.

Second Tag direction-

List 5 things that has to something to do with you.
- stopped fagging also !
- short also !
- like monkey face
- madness
- loudness

5 things you love the most.
- family
- friends
- chocolate
- car
- ba ku teh

5 things you hate the most.
- false accusation
- horror movie
- no good food
- rude people (like in canteen)
- intolerate people

5 things beside you.
- water bottle
- chocolate
- hp
- headphones
- novel

5 things you need the most.
- driving licence !
- licence for driving !
- driver's licence so i can drive !
- licence to drive....a car !
- car :) wakaka

i tag: all i tag :)

28 March 2009

EARTH HOUR 28 march 2009

we live in one place :)
dear earthlings,
do switch off your light for energy conservation tonight (28 march 2009)
from 8.30pm until 9.30pm
this shouldn't be any problem.
love earth! because we live in it!
do participate in this international campaign.

school report

teacher said im average.
failed add math & account. haha
ok the reason i fail account is:
1. i was sick. sick like, totally sick almost reaching the critical point =x kidding but seriously i was sick.
2. i didnt study. how to ppl expect me to answer questions before doing any revision. ok so i was sick, cant do revision. haha

reason for failing add math:
1. careless mistake
2. no revision ALSO and was not sick. hahaha
3. i suck in add math ok

so i received some bad/not good/negative comments in laporan adab (what ever~)
teacher H ticked - bising, mengganggu P & P, and got one more but i forgot.
teacher F ticked - tidak membuat kerja rumah, i think. couldnt remember it

lucky to have teacher J as class teacher =) unlike teacher L (pindah to limbanak already) said stuff which is not even true =_=" how dare she said i'ma "taiche" in class, if i start to talk then the whole class would start talking too. what the fuck? i know im talkative but telling lies? feather brained.

24 March 2009

4C 5C

history repeats itself !

last year teacher lily had trouble handling our 4C because of our extreme bad behaviour, she almost gave up on the class. she went into our class one day, talked a little and cried (lol) talk some more then shake hands lol lol lol.

the freakin' same thing happen to teacher H, he handled it unprofessionally tho. anyways he came into our class today (after two weeks refusing to enter) and started talking. then one time he turned away from us for quite long, aldo told me to offer tissue but then i passed it to ad instead so he did the offering lah hahaha. for christ sake he cried, and the shake hand thingy was like deja vu all over again but with different teacher. his voice was shaky when he apologized the 2nd time to sera in class (in front of me!). damn it i laughed, wait no, i chuckled. haha sorry teacher.

i've forgotten i had a blog again =_= haven't been blogging for quite a while. haha


Let others know a little more about yourself, re-post this as your name followed by "ology".



What is your salad dressing of choice?
: coleslaw :)

What is your favorite sit-down restaurant?
: no where. anywhere.

What food could you eat for 2 weeks straight and not get sick of it?

What are your pizza toppings of choice?
: anything with lots n lots of cheese

What do you like to put on your toast?
: peanut butter and strawberry jam


How many computers / televisions set are there in your house?
: 1 laptop, 1 desktop, 3 TVs

What colour cell phone do you have?
: black and got silvery lining on the side.


Are you right-handed or left-handed?
: right handed

Have you ever had anything removed from your body?
: not yet

What is the last heavy item you lifted?
: 18kg weat !

Have you ever been knocked unconscious?
: no, lol


If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?
: yes no yes no

If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
: i wont change it

Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000?
: $1 million and above, sure i'll do it with no regrets

How many pairs of flip flops do you own?
: uh 1 2 3 4 ? dont know.

Last time you had a run-in with the cops?
: never, lol

Last person you talked to?
: mum, my niece, and bro

Last person you hugged?
: sera =)


: winter hehe

: semester break and christmas, haha

Day of the week?
: saturday

: feb and dec :)


Missing someone?
: =p

: uneasy, tension

What are you listening to?
: stay by estrella (cute o this song)

: the mighty B (cartoon !)

Worrying about?
: my future, shits


First place you went this morning?
: kitchen

What's the last movie you saw in cinema?
: fantastic four. LONG time ago ~

Do you smile often?
: yes :)


1) Do you always answer your phone?
: depends on moi mood

2) It's four in the morning and you get a text message, who is it?
: 4am nope. 5am receive a msg from a friend :)

3) If you could change your eye color what would it be?
: aqua green

4) What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic?
: sonic? game? got drink? lol

5) Do you own a digital camera?
: no

6) Have you ever had a pet fish?
: piranha haha. jk

7) Favorite Christmas song?
: oh holy night by eric cartman

8) What's on your wish list for your birthday?
: ferari

9) Can you do push ups?
: 2-3 times then collapse

10) Can you do a chin up?
: 100 times to infinity

11) Does the future make you more nervous or excited?
: both !

12) Do you have any saved texts?
: lol yeah

13) Ever been in a car wreck?
: not yet

14) Do you have an accent?
: brit-shit accent ok im kidding

15) What is the last song to make you cry?
: n o n e

16) Plans tonight?
: sleep

17) Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom?
: duh ~

18) Name 3 things you bought in the last day?
: food, new hp, food again

19) Have you ever been given roses?
: yea

20) Current worry?
: SPM zzzzzzz

21) Current hate right now?
: got lah

22) Met someone who changed your life?
: my current friends :) love u guys

23) How did you bring in the New Year?
: fireworks and barbeque

24) What song represents you?
: no idea

25) Name three people who might complete this?
: sera (done), aldo, ad

26) What were you doing at 12 AM last night?
: dreaming

27) What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?
: pendrive ser & ad haha

28) Who was the first person you thought of when you woke up?
: ser & ad (relate it with the pendrive)

tag : aldo, ad, yinson, don & etc etc

15 March 2009

Fourteenth of __(month)__

January 14th : The Diary Day
Diaries diaries diaries~ take a pen, take your diary and star writing :]
February 14th : Valentine's Day
Chocolates, Wines, Romantic Dinner.
for thy lover.
Text, Cards, Hugs and Kisses, Phone calls.
for your love ones.
March 14th : White Day
Candy store, Chocolate shops.
start shopping!
You are not consider guilty for submitting another box of chocolate to someone you admire.
April 14th : Candy Day
No more submitting chocolates :]
today is you-and-your-candy day.
thinking of eating a lemon taste like sweet?
May 14th : Rose Day
No more sweets :]
Spend times together and do send roses.
White rose - Friends
Yellow - Admire
Red - Lovers
June 14th : Kiss Day
If you happens to receive red rose, kiss him/her :p
show some love.
lovers aren't the only people who can kiss ;p
kiss Mum and Dad
July 14th : Silver Day
Buy something that reminds you of each other.
August 14th : Green Day
Loving Nature :]
mountain climbing, swimming, cycling.
Be natural.
September 14th : Music and Photo Day
Teens favorite.
turn the music on!
put those cameras on!
snap snap~
October 14th : Wine Day
To wine lovers,
Happy Wine's Day
celebrate and show off your best wine collection.
November 14th : Orange and Movie Day
Go to the cinema hand in hand with your lover.
Dont forget to stop by the market for orange juices.
with or without alcohol, its always an option.
December 14th : Hug Day
Hugs - Totally free.
hug your love ones and feel the love.
Love is in the air :]


gosh i've forgotten about my blog :/
im sorry my-blog because i've forgotten you.
ok cut the crap.

i've been through hell lately.
Teacher H suck big time! that dumb paranoid faggot.
screw you for slapping my best friend,
screw you for not listening to my explaination,
screw you for ur shitty lecture,
screw you for everything.
so what if u'r the ketua panitia for bm,
too bad i dont give a shit :]

so last friday the whole class decided to say sorry to teacher H because teacher J said no other teachers would want to teach our class because of our bad behavior. after recess was suppose to have bm but since teacher H decided not to teach us anymore, teacher J took over bm period instead. he said something about calling all of our parents (5 cekal) to have a meeting with the principal, something like that. what the F man == what the F~~ trust me we're not that bad ok. anyway we didnt directly said sorry to teacher H because im positive that he wouldn't accept our very truly deeply sincere apology. FYI teacher H sengaja kasih fail lisan zz what the fuckkkk?! bleh~~ im pissed off. soooooo suzana, me and arthur had a talk or was it a discussion with the principal last friday, surprisingly it went well :] no lectures or sarcasm tho she did say stuffs about her daughter's spm result - 12A(1 and 2), how she behave and how is she commited to her studies. honestly im not surprised and i dont give a damn. hopefully teacher H would forgive us :]

because of this, we've came up with an idea. aldo did it and we all agreed with it.
so the idea was - 5C's Golden Rules (17 rules).
haha meningkatkan disiplin ok.

09 March 2009

pls dont read. haha

I reached home about an hour ago, straight to my pc and tuned into southpark. i watched season 12 episode " Eek, a penis ". So i watched and i was laughing my ass off. I mean why would a scientist grow a human organ (like ears, nose zzz !!) on a mice? Its genetic something something that requires DNA and "a lot of money" and there. . . .u have an organ! Hahahaha piece of shit. So Mr Garison, the 4th grader class teacher went through a process of transgenderism from male to female once and then he regreted it big time! He was paranoid and so he met the scientist and "paid" a lot of money for a penis -_-" a penis for fuck sake. Then i dont remember what happened but suddenly the mice with a penis growing behind it was running around town and every woman panicked like "Oh my god a penis!" & "Eek!! a penis" & "Get that penis outta my house!" Hahahahaha !! Mr Garison was pissed off since he couldn't chase after his penis so he sat on a bench and cried, he said something funny - *sniff* "all my money's gone and so as my penis" *sniff*. Hahahahahaha !! In the end the mice came back to him (for some reason) then he's like "Oh my goodness is that my penis? oh my gosh so it is true, when u love ur penis u gotta let it go."


what the fuck -_-"

i cant help it! sorry i just gotta blog this out since i couldn't upload the movie. ok maybe some o' u may think this is an insult, well ITS NOT. Its its its like a summary of a movie i recently watched =p teehee!

06 March 2009


Read the rules and then start answering some Q's. Got it? The questions below are all based on friendship, love, family and life.
The rules:
a. Read the rules.
b. Read the questions.
c. Answer the question truthfully.
d. Tag at least 8 people.

1. What letter does your name starts with?
- A
2. How old are you?
- 17 ! officially 17 !
3. Are you in high school or just graduated high school or in college?
- high school =p
4. What is the colour of your eyes?
- very dark brown
5. What is your body type? Be honest.
- fat T_T bullcrap (bullshit)
6. Are you a bi or gay or lesbian or straight edge?
- straight lol
7. Do you believe in love first sight?
- ugh no
8. Have you ever been in love?
- yesss
9. If you answered "Yes" in question 8, what its like to be in love?
- cloud nine (lol), loved =p
10. What letter does ur bf/gf starts with?
- no bf right now
11. Do you support abortion?
- no zz
12. Have your heart ever been broken?
- uhm, yes?
13. Would you protect your friends if they're in danger?
- yes :)
14. Would you forgive your friend if he/she stabs you in the back?
- depends.
15. Are you a caring person?
- very caring =p
16. Do you love your parents?
- i do i do i do i do
17. Do you have any brothers or sisters?
- a brother.
18. Do you like having brothers or sisters?
- i only have A brother, equals to i cant have girl talk at home!
19. What is your favourite cursing word?
- bullcrap? fuck? haha
20. Do you like to curse?
- cant say wether i like it or not. it just came out, u know~
21. Which celebrity that you think is hot?
- chace from gossip girl *melts*
22. Which singer do you think is fake?
- no idea.
23. What can't you live without?
- friends, family, game, music, cash, food, food and more food.
24. What do you treasured most in your life?
- everything :)
25. What are your current obsession?
- um classic love songs. dont ask !

Last Question...
26. What is your favourite colour/s?
- black and i dont sit alone at the corner eating nugget (what im trying to say is im not a loner)

Solution to question number 26.
Black- Loner. You have a dark soul in you and you like to be mysterious about your life.
Blue- Calmer. Damn, its hard to make you angry. Why can't you get angry for once??
Red- Protecter. You are strong and you protect the ones you loved although you know you get killed.
Green- Peace lover. Aww, i'm proud of you. You love peace and you would do anything so you can make this world a better place to live.
Yellow- Likes to smile. You like to spread joy to the world. Good for you!
White- Angel. You have a kind soul in you. You cared for the ones you love.
Pink- Sensitive. You're a soft-hearted person. You shed tears easily.
Purple- Lover. You'll fall for someone too fast.

Get to know them first.

me tag : aldo, ad, jiza, ser (haha tagged again), jill, don, yinson, piupiu

05 March 2009

telefon awam

ahahahahaha !!

so this. . . .prank call ;p haha we were bored ok ok ok

was waiting for our transport.

that is the school's new, red, clean and usable public phone.

in pinafore - me, the guy in front with chocolate handbag (his whatever nike bag) is aldo.

his pose reminds me offffff HELGA! FAWNTANILA!

me senyuman afol =B hahaha. damnit sera and ad is not in the pic cos cos, well sera yg snap this pic =p hahaha thanks ser


why chris brown beat rihanna

Hey guys, there's a lot of rumor going on around about the rihanna and chris brown incident and i know u're ache-ing to know what really happened. So this is how it all went down :

(conversation) - Rihanna and Chris brown
R : u look so dumb right now.
C : O_o *huh?*
R : standing outside my house trying to apologise, u're so ugly when u cry. PLEASE! just cut it out. tsk! *flip hair*
C : what? ?_?
R : and dont tell me u're sorry cos u'r not. chris i know u're only sorry u got caught.
C : what are u talking about?
R : chris i know u cheated on me.
C : how could i have cheated on u? i was with u with u with u with u......girl~
R : ugh! *whatever*
C : *sings* with u with u with u with u with u~~ the whole time~
R : dont gimme that bull crap!
C : what about that 1 night u said u were cheating on me? *points finger*
R : what night?! (flashback) *sings unfaithful* and i know that he knows im unfaithful and it kills him inside~~
C : *heard the unfaithful song* what?!
R : oh yeah~ that~
C : *wtf?* -_-"
R : well u know what chris it doesn't matter cause u aint gettin' under any of this anymore (refering to her body hahaha)
C : what? -_-"
R : i said u aint gettin under this! *hand moves from top to bottom*
C : under what?
R : under my um-buh-re-la~ *grabs the lamp*
C : that's a lamp!
R : so what u think u're some kinda umbrella expert now?
C : god zzz u're an idiot.
R : u know what chris *points finger* u can leave! i like jesse mccartney better anyway.
C : *blurred*
R : so get in ur car and just shut up and drive drive drive drive~
C : excuse me? o_O
R : that's right chris i like jesse mccartney better because he doesn't just wanted a pretty face or just anyone to hold and my love to go to waste. .
C : oh hell no! *more finger pointing*
R : he wants me and my beautiful soul!
C : oh u did not just say that! im gonna . . . . *steps forward with a fist*
R : im. . .im sorry chris *sobs* i didnt mean that! chris im sorry. . gimme a kiss! gimme a kiss im sorry chris !
C : dont gimme that lovey dovey lovey dovey kiss kiss kiss kiss im gonna grab ur face and shove from wall to wall, i dont care if any of the neighbours call ! *point point point finger!*
R : T________________T !!!!
C : then im gonna crack a bottle, let my body wobble and shove it in ur face cause u think u're a model.
R : *huh?* that's not even ur song. .
C : u son of a ...... !! *punches right on the face*

-the end-


ps: i got this from youtube. hahaha

GREEN - song title/bit and pieces of lyrics.

O Romeo, Romeo!

O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?
Deny thy father and refuse thy name;
Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,
And I'll no longer be a Capulet.

i watched romeo n juliet yesterday! 5pm, star movies.
leonardo dicaprio n claire something-something (i dont remember) was playing romeo n juliet.
gosh leonardo! i never noticed he was so HOT back then.
he was extremely hot, handsome, gorgeous, tall, hot body, baby face, young - the perfect boyfriend! but UNFORTUNATELY that was back in 1996 T_T @&*#$!!
him playing romeo with that shakespearian way of talking = melted haha

How oft when men are at the point of death
Have they been merry! which their keepers call
A lightning before death:
O, how may I
Call this a lightning?
O my love! my wife!
Death, that hath suck'd the honey of thy breath,
Hath had no power yet upon thy beauty:
Thou art not conquer'd; beauty's ensign yet
Is crimson in thy lips and in thy cheeks,
And death's pale flag is not advanced there.
Tybalt, liest thou there in thy bloody sheet?
O, what more favour can I do to thee,
Than with that hand that cut thy youth in twain
To sunder his that was thine enemy?
Forgive me, cousin!
Ah, dear Juliet,
Why art thou yet so fair? shall I believe
That unsubstantial death is amorous,
And that the lean abhorred monster keeps
Thee here in dark to be his paramour?
For fear of that, I still will stay with thee;
And never from this palace of dim night
Depart again: here, here will I remain
With worms that are thy chamber-maids;
O, here
Will I set up my everlasting rest,
And shake the yoke of inauspicious stars
From this world-wearied flesh.
Eyes, look your last!
Arms, take your last embrace! and, lips, O you
The doors of breath, seal with a righteous kiss
A dateless bargain to engrossing death!
Come, bitter conduct, come, unsavoury guide!
Thou desperate pilot, now at once run on
The dashing rocks thy sea-sick weary bark!
Here's to my love!

-end of romeo n juliet-

so if this aint love, then i dont know what love is.

03 March 2009


HAHAHAHAHAHAH !!!! i came across with this pic while surfing for "nature inspired fashion" with sera months ago.

and months ago i haven't register for a blog. lol i was feeling a little deranged and came looking for this pic. .again. . hahahahah im so screwed.

i was thinking of giving this to someone as a present for their birthday maybe but. . . .what happen if that someone suddenly turned into a model for boys gone wild or something. im not trying to say they WILL be but its not impossible right? nothing is impossible nowadays. hahaha what the fuck am i trying to say here ~_~

based on my opinion, guys who owns a mankini:
  1. GAY LORD!
  2. A.D.D ?
  3. tiada kemaluan hahahahahaha
  4. very tebal the muka
  5. cant consider them as a man -_-"""


i went to school today :] but then i was a bit pissed when i remembered my class was on the top floor of the building. what the hell i have to walk up the stairs straight to class while carryinng my 2 liter water bottle. felt like i was carrying a 30kg load walking up the stairs lol. as soon as i reached class i was exhausted. i needed a freakin rest! so i sat down on the chair and almost missed it. swt ness

so teacher wahab entered class. 5 minutes before 8am he distributed the papers (bm paper) to everyone and so the exam started. i didnt manage to finish answering it for god sake we were only given 1 and a half hour to answer i-dont-remember-how-many questions were in it. so after that was reccess, everyone went back to class after 20 minutes. Teacher Jane distributed PA paper. this time we were given 2 and a half hour to answer, um 22 questions? haha 20 objectives and 2 structured questions. i wasnt in the mood and i wasnt feeling well like my fever was rising. so i spent 30 minutes answering the 20 objective question and spent my 2 hours sleeping @@

02 March 2009

For Once ~

I signed out of msn and wanted to go to bed early then i saw the word (or letters?) SPM out of nowhere then it hit me for some reason. It hit me hard like a piano came crashing down from the sky and the melody that goes you're-sitting-for-SPM-this-year and for once i am worried, i can picture how my future would be if dont start and be serious with my studies. Honestly i am very grateful of what i have now - wonderful life, although not so wonderful (i have my own reason) but i would stil consider it as wonderful because i get to have whatever i want (honestly). This week is my 1st semester of the year, since last year i never passed my exam papers because everytime the teacher came in class i normally sleeps which is a very bad thing. However, form 4 (mine was last year) is the year which people considered as honeymoon. Honestly i never for once felt it was a honeymoon year although i was lazy ~_~ lazy to the maximum i should say. Now im in form 5 so i have to go through form 4 syllabus which is a troublesome for me. It makes me feels like repeating form 4 all over again but this time with lots more to add on because of form 5 syllabus. I just wanted to blog this out =p


hu! ha! hu! ha! na na na na. .
is this how it feels like to stay at home on weekdays?
i mean. . . .im bored! im bored like fuck.
oh look even the panda is bored hahahaha.
but im lucky because i get to skip science and history paper =p hahaha
anyway my point is im bored.
i woke up around. . . .i forgot what time (perfect -.- i even forgot what time i woke up this morning) but i think i remembered it was before 7am then i cant continue sleep for some reason.

reason for skipping class/exam today : i have FEVER.

sob sob sob

28 February 2009

Late Uncle Pasok's funeral

What a creepy day i had today. So this morning was late uncle Pasok's funeral. Its not like we're related or something but i know him, he knows me. 11am the prayer started in church, forgot what time it ended. One thing i was impressed with was he had a royal respect. I had a fever after that (my "after that" refers to right now. haha).

So there's some "things" happened to me today and so as to everyone who attended the funeral.

creepy event number 1.
In church during the prayer, not long after the mass started. The light was switched on and off countless times until the mass ended. Uncle Pasok was once an electrician after all. Obviously everyone had the same thing in mind - him playing with the switch. lol

creepy event number 2.
I had a fever so i went home early. I slept after i had my shower then i woke up around 5pm. I went to the toilet cause i had tummy ache. Suddenly the water was running for 2 seconds. i freaked out! i ran out straight to my mum's room. Just in case u ya'll wondering, yes i did clean my ass.

27 February 2009

things i like

::::Things I Like::::
  1. food
  2. water
  3. cameras
  4. hats
  5. nail clippers
  6. hand sanitizer
  7. remotes
  8. whips
  9. sharpie
  10. (if u'r ryan higa) girls
  11. books
  12. lamp
  13. hand squeezer
  14. cards
  15. stick
  16. plastic stick
  17. metal stick
  18. tape
  19. stick shape like tape
  20. dinosaur stick
  21. writting stick
  22. brush stick
  23. chopstick
  24. cheese stick
  25. stick..of gum
  26. sharp stick
  27. even sharper stick
  28. stick...stick?


i got the magic stick,

la la la la~~

ps: i get this list of things not-exactly-i like from youtube =p

environmental walk (bend and snap)

from the left - ser , jill , cassandra
haha so this was taken in school.
english parliament thingy debate was stil on.
keboringan so i snap pics on random ppl (well they're not random la becos i know)
as u can see, ser is trying to (what were u doing again ser?) um trying to pull the stone out? hahahaha i forgot! so here where the environmental walk (lol) starts.
*whistle whistle*
oh wait look ada offside! chang mei li !! hahahahaha

G (tall one) pointing at me =p
teacher elsie stressing over her phone i think.
far right and not looking at the cam is jo =p

everyone was happy picking rubbish haha.
i was left far behind (sobs) i snap lah this pic
bend and snap pick rubbish
haha wtf

so we bend and snap @ pick rubbish along the road (as shown in pic).
err clean road. taken before we even reach there. meaning to say people was behind me so i was in front then i took this pic haha ok i'll stop. too much explaination


26 February 2009

additional math

i asked arthur to snap this pic.
haha aldo pretend to play the guitar so we pretend to um listen to him?

ps: the snack cole offered me not sedap (jigs) cannot taste the cheese..sobs

marc (mesti marc -_-" haha jk). he fell down because robin did something.
haha the moment i look at him he was on the floor already ok
i think he kesakitan buttocks HAHAHA
HAHAHA robin took this pic -.- while the teacher wasnt looking.
manage to snap quarter part of his face. muhao
so this one. zz not really clear snaps (aldo's fault)
name : ma chi nan
age: nobody knows
job : add math teacher of smsm
haha so this is during the extra class 2.30pm until 4pm
ok i know. so mean right? hahahaha
he's teaching us form 4 chapter that teacher theresa didnt want to teach us
satey =p

another shot of mr ma. . .
to the right is robin mong (wong) hahaha

again. . .last but not least Mr.Ma
ada tangan offside zzz hahaha

the lab haha

it was 1pm (was it?)
so the whole class went to the lab today (chemistry lab)
so i joined the people who sit paling front lah. hahaha
sempat again reply sms =p
ps: aldo sleep in lab and kena cover by the teachers laptop so he thought i wouldn't report la... check check it outsss i go report ii (punya bingung)
ok anyway, 1.30pm like that the teacher all of us can go back to class =]
but then, since nobody wanted to.. ser requested for kungfu panda thing (teacher said for motivation) so as always aldo yang gatal tangan (haha) went to touch touch the teacher's laptop.
i think he play the mineswiper? paling cun la kunun. he teach ser n marc or was it eap how to play. haha so gay

this is marc =]
he isss (thinking....) um ok i forgot what the hell was he doing like that.
um another pic of marc hahaha.
now he's posing (pura pura dia teaching)
-_- lol
this is our science teacher.
she's very nice ok haha
um. . i post this pic because its so candid hahaha
look at everyone's face. trying to concentrate =p

standing up : adtodot
sitting down holding ruler : eap (ipo mali)
ok seriously no comment

my best friend is the TALL one (gee i hope aldo sees this hahaha) and my bear friend is the SHORT one.
LOOK and i repeat LOOK! at the skin colour!
hahahahaha aldo u're so black! rugby BEAR =x