24 March 2009

4C 5C

history repeats itself !

last year teacher lily had trouble handling our 4C because of our extreme bad behaviour, she almost gave up on the class. she went into our class one day, talked a little and cried (lol) talk some more then shake hands lol lol lol.

the freakin' same thing happen to teacher H, he handled it unprofessionally tho. anyways he came into our class today (after two weeks refusing to enter) and started talking. then one time he turned away from us for quite long, aldo told me to offer tissue but then i passed it to ad instead so he did the offering lah hahaha. for christ sake he cried, and the shake hand thingy was like deja vu all over again but with different teacher. his voice was shaky when he apologized the 2nd time to sera in class (in front of me!). damn it i laughed, wait no, i chuckled. haha sorry teacher.

i've forgotten i had a blog again =_= haven't been blogging for quite a while. haha

1 comment:

mew said...

HAHAHAAAAAAAAA YA KAAAAAAAAN HOLY SCHMOLY i didnt really get it tadi bila kau ckp deja vu dalam class.. haha!